How to Reduce Belly Fat Effectively?

Aqsa Riaz
3 min readFeb 19, 2022


Are you ashamed of your big belly? Is it decreasing your personality grace? Then don’t worry, you are not alone. Every second person is suffering from abdominal obesity or belly fat. According to research, almost 40% of Americans suffer from it, and the percentage increases every day.

Although it is not so easy to get rid of belly fat, a little change in your lifestyle does wonders. Remember, hard work, commitment, determination, and strong willpower are key to success. Here is how you can reduce your belly fat.

Start Eating High Protein Diet

Add protein to your meals. It helps maintain muscle mass during the weight-loss procedure and increases the metabolic rate.

Researches show that a high intake of protein effectively reduces belly fat. The food good in proteins consists of meat, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, etc.

Drink Lots of Water and Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Increase the amount of water in your daily life. Drink at least 5 liters of water. It keeps you hydrated and helps to burn calories. Drinking water before each meal will also help to refrain you from intaking a large amount of meal. Use apple cider vinegar in your daily life. You can take it by diluting it in water. It helps in reducing abdominal fat.

Some Things you Should Avoid in your Daily Life.

You have to avoid drinking carbonated drinks. Reduce salt intake, as it bloats your belly. Reduce carbs. Avoid sugary foods, bakery items, or white sugar. Replace white sugar with jaggery or brown sugar. Avoid junk food or oily food. Avoid taking heavy meals at the wrong times. Also, avoid laying down straight away after a meal.

Reduce Stress from your Life and Sleep on Time

You have to reduce stress from your daily life. You have to involve yourself in stress-relieving activities as stress is also a factor in belly fat. It releases cortisol hormone, which helps to gather fat around the belly. Manage your sleeping hours. Make sure to sleep on time. Also, avoid excessive sleep as lack of sleep is also a factor in increasing belly fat.

A Tip That Helps to Reduce Belly Fat

Blend ginger root, cucumber, mint leaves, and lemon with water. Drink this in the morning and at night before sleep. Add honey if you want. All these ingredients are beneficial for health and help to reduce belly fat.

Papaya and Fenugreek Seeds

Add papaya and Fenugreek seeds to your meal. Put a spoon or two of fenugreek seeds in water at night. Drink the strained water on a morning with an empty stomach.

Precautions Pregnant women should avoid it, as it leads to miscarriage. diabatic persons first consult their doctor before taking it

Exercises that are Effective to Reduce Belly

Some exercises are beneficial in reducing belly. As they specifically targeted the belly portion, some of them are

  • Jogging
  • brisk walking
  • Swimming
  • bicycling
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Crunches
  • Bicycle exercises
  • Leg circles
  • Hip lifts
  • Planks
  • Leg drops
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Chair pose

Bottom Line

You will be able to reduce belly fat by following these steps and by adding or avoiding these foods to your diet plan and look radiant, beautiful with full of confidence to achieve success in any field of your life. Do comment if you have any views or suggestions. They will add more value and info to my article and will be a source of motivation for me — best of luck.

